For New Clubs Looking to Join the YSSL
Thank you for your interest in the YSSL. Prior to being considered for YSSL membership a club must meet these requirements:
1. The club must have a minimum of two fully rostered teams for the current season’s registration.
2. The club must have a home field(s) secured.
3. Club administrators and coaches must have a cleared IYSA background check, concussion training and SafeSport.
4. All coaches must have met the YSSL US Soccer Coaching license requirements prior to joining the YSSL.
Please email Patty at and include your club name. She will verify your club’s eligibility based on the requirements above.
Once the requirements have been met and verified, please email the league at with the information below:
Please send an email to with the following information:
Club Name:
Club City:
Club Manager's Name (Main Point of Contact):
Club Manager's Full Address:
Club Manager's Phone#:
Club Manager's Email:
Expected # of Teams Entering in the League:
Current Referee Assignor:
Home Field Name:
Home Field Address:
We will respond with your club login information and password along with additional documentation to assist in registering your teams and players.
Thank you for your interest in joining the Young Sportsmen's Soccer League!
last updated: 01/07/25 11:36am